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Friday, January 24, 2014

Dear Leaders of Today and Tomorrow,

“God is conforming you to the image of Christ (Romans 8:28-29), and He is giving you training and experience so that your gifts may be discovered. His goal is a Spirit- filled leader through whom the living Christ ministers, utilizing the leader’s spiritual gifts. The fruit of the Spirit is the marks of the mature Christian.” – Dr. J. Robert Clinton

My pastor recently gave me a book entitled “The Making of a Leader” by Dr. J. Robert Clinton for Christmas. (Yes, he always gives me books to read, but I usually wait till I’ve freed up my schedule to read it) This time, it was rather different. I guess the title of the book attracted me to it. I want to know what makes a leader, and what doesn’t.

And to be honest, this book has been teaching me more than I expected it to. It opened my eyes to know and see that leadership is more than just a journey, but a process. Just like any other process that a car, or a electronic device has to go through in order to be assembled to the image or item that it should be, God is shaping and fixing us along the way as we “ride” on the conveyor belt of eternity. We are all in this process where God is slowly fixing, molding, adding, and removing stuff in and out of our lives so that we can be the person whom He has meant us to be.

We have the Holy Spirit in us to guide, lead and help us as we strive towards becoming a better leader. The question is not whether He is there, but whether do we recognize that He is there with us. God has granted us free access to Him, and I believe that it is time for us as leaders and carries of the name of Christ to make “full use” of this access that we may enjoy our relationship with the Father.

As leaders, we always need to remember that leadership is not a destination. We will never arrive at a place where we have achieved it all because there is no end to what we can learn. There are always new things to learn and develop. For me, I realize that I need to grow. I need to improve myself as a leader in order to lead others better. It hasn't been a smooth sail for me, but I'm looking forward for new adventures that God is going to bring me to.

Whether we like it or not, we are all leaders. Therefore, we are all in this process of leadership. Continue growing yourself so that you can serve others and God more effectively by His help. 

“Leadership is not a position, it is a call.” – Ravi Zacharias

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