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Friday, March 21, 2014

No Gain Without Giving

Mark 11:25
"But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too."
As Winter makes way for Spring, it’s likely that the well meant New Year’s Resolutions that were vowed but a short time ago have become distant memories that will essentially never see the light of day. Sure, we wanted that toned and muscle bound fisque, of course we desired to learn that second language, we had every intention of reading those books or starting that new hobby, but in actuality we wanted the prize but weren’t willing to pay the price. This came to mind as I read today’s passage in Mark 11. If the questions were raised, “Would you like to see God’s power in and through your life? Would you like to see your prayers answered?” Only a fool would dare utter the words no; the prize, the reward, is coveted by all, but very few are willing to pay the price of obedience.
Do you desire to see God move in your life, but feel like you haven’t been experiencing it? A good place to start would be here in Mark 11:
  1. Jesus declares, “Have faith in God”. One important condition is believing in the power, the holiness, the goodness of the One True God. Beyond that, how can you have faith in someone if you don’t even know them? God doesn’t desire blind faith, rather a faith that is based on an understanding of His character, His promises, and the Truth found in His Word. You want your prayers to be answered? You want the power of God in your life? Then grow in the knowledge of Him who is the basis of your faith. Take the time to do your devotions, meditate on His Word, and pray fervently.
  2. Of equal importance, is something that seems rather unexpected, yet God lists it as of the utmost importance. “But when you are praying, first forgive…” "Wait, what? Forgive? How does that relate?" Unforgiveness is based in pride, believing that you have the right to be angry when wronged. God makes it extremely clear thatHe is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble. Jesus set the example of humility and forgiveness, so too, we must be quick to forgive. This is faith in action. Believe in God and His promises, act on those promises by living a life of humility and forgiveness, and you will see the release of His power and promises in your life.
Heavenly Father, I dedicate my time and life to you. I will forsake my comfort for the sake of your cause, and I will choose willful obedience and wholehearted forgiveness that you might work in and through me.

In Jesus name, Amen

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