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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Facing Goliath

We can’t avoid our Goliath; he is necessary to our growth as Christians. Your Goliath may be fear, a personal sin, or even a threat. These Goliaths seek to control you, torment you, and destroy you.

How do we deal with our Goliaths?

The answer is in 1 Samuel 17, when David defeated his Goliath.

Well, the first thing that we know now is that we all have Goliaths in our lives, but what we must remember is that our Goliaths can be defeated. You see, because Goliath was a human being, he wasn’t always a giant. He started out as a baby, then a toddler, then to a young boy, to a teenager, to a young man, to a man, and finally into a giant. Just like our problems, they all start out small, but slowly grow into giants if we do not deal with them quickly.

The first thing that we need to realize is that we need to realize that the battle that we are in with our Goliaths belong to GOD. In 1 Samuel 17:47, we can see that David knew that the battle belonged to The Lord. Maybe this is why our Goliaths are always defeating us, because we try to fight them using our own strength. We need help. David knew that GOD was greater than Goliath.

The next step that we need to take is to attack our Goliaths. In verse 48, Goliath challenged the Israelites, he called out to them, and he kept on coming closer and closer to challenge them. Just like out Goliaths, if we tolerate them and don’t take any action, they will come closer and closer. They will come into our territory and they will taunt us and frighten us. By looking at David, we see that he ran to Goliath. He didn’t walk, he RAN! How do we attack our Goliaths? We deal with our problems. We need to stop rationalizing with it, stop hiding it. Admit that it is a problem!

Once we have attacked our Goliaths, the next step and one of the crucial ones is to finish our Goliaths off. In verse 51, after David hits Goliath in the head, he runs to Goliath, pulls out Goliath’s sword and cuts his head off! Some of us may think that this is too much violence, but that is how we need to deal with our Goliaths. You cut their heads off! If you don’t finish your Goliaths off, they will come back and they will haunt you and this time, they will be even stronger. If we do not kill our Goliaths, they will kill us. So how do we kill our Goliaths off? Take practical steps. For example, if you’re addicted to pornography, confess it to somebody and be accountable. If it’s an area of vulnerability, you need to do whatever it takes to overcome it. Sometimes, we need to take drastic measures to be free from sin. Lastly, if we want to be free from sin, we have to confess it and by confessing, we are simply agreeing with GOD.

Finally, David FULLY TRUSTED IN GOD. He didn’t have any armor on, and he didn’t have a plan B.

Therefore, we need FAITH to face your Goliaths. To build your faith, you need to read the Word of GOD. Often, GOD doesn't just give us faith. He puts us in situation where we get to exercise our faith and exercising our faith is a choice. Just like we need physical exercise to be fit and healthy, we also need spiritual exercise so that we can be spiritually fit and healthy.

- Sean

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