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Thursday, April 10, 2014

God does miracles. We as believers of Christ know that. We know it from the Bible, like from the book of Exodus or the book of Matthew. We sing praise hymns of how amazing His good works of wonders and miracles were in the time of Moses. Even non-believers themselves know that God is all powerful and can make miracles happen in a wink of an eye. If a high percentage of us can all agree that God does miracles, does it mean that that same percentage of people experience God’s miracles?

Tuition centre was my second home. I showered, ate, finished my school work, joined in some classes and did basically anything a 7 year old girl can do at a tuition centre. I had that routine every day after school and in the evenings, mum picks me home after office hours. Despite the fact that I grew up in an educational area where all my tutors were available to me at all times and could help me in solving my problems in my school subjects, I was not a bright student. I was a late bloomer instead.

Despite all the tutorial help, I still didn’t do well. My total mark averaged below 50% for many exam terms. I remembered how I reacted when I saw a big round zero scored on my BM (Bahasa Melayu) test when I was 8. I remembered how I always stayed back after school to attend extra classes to sharpen my grammar in BM. I was 9 years old and those classes were meant for students who aged 7 years and below. And how could I forget that I can’t even speak proper English. I only started speaking a proper sentence when I was 7. An understandable sentence would already make my mum so proud of me in those days.

My mum could only pray for me and commit it to the Lord. Amazingly, she was not really worried about my education and my future. She knew somehow that whatever it is, God will take care of my future.

When I was 10 in year 2006, my family were given an amazing privilege to move aboard to Rome, Italy. My step dad had been called to do a project there for a few years and he was given a choice to bring his close ones along. He decided to bring us with him. My step dad, mum, older brother, Thomas, and I went together with enthusiasm and excitement to the upper side of the world which has a different climate and a different environment which calls for a different lifestyle. My brother and I were given the opportunity to study in an international school. I made many new friends and learnt so much about different cultures and backgrounds. Besides that, I got the chance to learn new international languages such as Italian, Spanish and French, even though I didn't really speak BM at that point. I took extra classes for English too. I learnt so much when I was there for the first few months. Everything was so different there compared to my old school system back home. We stayed in Rome for nine months and it was through this that everything changed. God had answered my mum’s prayers.

I began to speak better. My English improved after I came back from Rome in the year 2007. I began to do better in school. I used to be always behind in my studies, but later on, I started to get ahead of the students in my class after I came back. And it did not stop there; I continuously grew and became better in studies up to secondary school when I was 17, studying for my final year exam, SPM.

It was on the year 2013 and that difficult period is still very fresh in my mind. I studied very hard. So hard to the point that my head started to hurt. I also began to lose appetite which lead to me losing weight and health. It was a very stressful period due to the fact that I wanted to get the results that would get me a scholarship.

During the trial SPM examination period, I get headaches that seem incurable at that time because it still hurt even after a lot of prayers for recovery. I missed some important trial papers like Biology and Chemistry so that I could rest. Due to the pain, I could not study efficiently for the actual SPM and I worried about my performance in my papers. I prayed and prayed during and after taking all my SPM papers. I prayed in faith and complete trust in the Father to have full control over my life including my future.

On March 20, 2014, our SPM results were announced. I have to admit that I was very nervous but somewhat calm. I didn’t really think of what to expect and was worry-free. Praise God for that! When I went up to queue in the line to take my results, I began to have butterflies in my stomach, that I tried to get everyone to take their results before me. I didn't even want to see it when it was my turn to take it! When I stood in front of the desk opposite my class teacher, she smiled with her eyes. She then stood up and gave me a hug which made me questioned a lot like, “Why is she giving me a hug? Is my results good that she’s proud of me? Or is she just trying to comfort me because I got bad results?” I gave her a puzzled look, thanked her, and went off far away from that crowded place to have a look at my thin piece of paper that seemed so flimsy but important. I widened my eyes in disbelief. I was shocked that I double, or maybe triple, checked the name of the student on that piece of paper. Then mum called me over to find out what I got. She was speechless for a moment and asked me, “Are you satisfied?”

Indeed, I was. After that very day, my mum has been telling all her friends about my achievement from her business friends to our home fellowship group. My mum has been telling about how amazing God has been for me. Our home fellowship leader, Uncle Pao was also amazed and asked my mum to tell me that I should share my testimony to more people through the church's magazine, Rejoice!

On March 19, 2014, when I was on bed ready for a night rest, in the quiet room I whispered, “God, tomorrow is the day. You know all the prayers I've said and how many times I have mentioned them over and over again. Just know that I am not requesting you to give me straight As. The only thing I request for is faith, trust, and peace. May not my will but your will be done. Amen.” If you were wondering what I got for my results, I got 9 As and 1 C.

I really thanked God for writing my life story from the very beginning until now. He had everything planned out and that really assures me that God has a reason for everything. All the strengths, personality traits, and even weaknesses have a reason why God put them in you. God did not simply create you in the way you are right now but made you the way He wants you to be. To Him, you are perfectly imperfect. You already are the miracle. God does not want you to fail but to succeed in His God-given plans specifically made for you only. We are not made to be victims but to be victors. So, do not worry and commit it to the Lord. Trust Him in the heart and believe that God does miracles and He can and will do it in your life. Praise and glory to the Lord!

- Wei Chen

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