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Thursday, April 03, 2014

Our Many Hats

I stumbled upon this short story on the Internet the other day. It somewhat moved within my heart to share it. It was a story about a mother who was also a worship leader in the local church. She admitted that she woke up on the wrong side of the bed and was feeling “blegh” ever since. As the night came, and as she was about to step on stage to lead worship, she mumbled this under her breath, “Okay, mum’s hat off, worship’s hat on.” The elder of the church overheard her and lean over saying, “The problem is that worship hat should have never came off in the first place.”

When I first read that story, I began to reflect upon my life and my heart and began to wonder whether or not have I fallen victim to that scenario. Throughout our Christian lives, we sometimes do that without even realizing it. We put on our “leaders” hat when it is time for us to lead our cell group. We put on our “preaching” hat when it is time for us to speak behind the pulpit. We put on our “worship” hat, when it is time for us to lead worship.

But in fact, those hats should have never came off in the first place. Why? This is because live our lives as leaders. We live our lives as preachers of the Word, proclaiming His love. We live our lives as worshippers, adoring our Creator.

I think the elder of the church couldn’t have said it more clearly, that those hats that we wear in church should have never came off in the first place. 

So, how are we living our lives from Monday to Saturday, the days we spend outside of church?

- Josh

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