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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Worshipping God For Who He is, Not For What You Want.

Have you ever be in a relationship/ friendship (or know someone who is in a relationship/ friendship) for something that you want from them? For some of us, we intentionally make friends with the rich kid in class so that we can get expensive gifts from them when we invite them to our party. Some of us can relate to it in one way or another. We have relationship with someone for our own benefit.

Have you ever spent time with your group of friends, and all you did was just “hanging out?” It is either at a mall, or a cozy coffee place. I’m sure some if not all of us know what I am talking about. As teenagers, we take sometime to discover what we like to do and find the same group of friends to share that similar interest.

Interestingly, many of us see God as a vending machine or as Santa Claus. We simply submit our request when we wake up early in the morning and expect to see them answered as the day goes by. And I think many of us fail to recognize that relationship is everything. And it is when we make and take time to spend with Him, which is simply having a personal relationship with Him. If we take time to seek His face, eventually His heart will extend His hand because His heart is always open to bless us and GIVES US WHAT HE WANTS FOR US.

Similarly, when it comes to our worship, it must be directed to God’s face and His heart. We love God for who He is, and not for what we can get out of Him. We serve God for who He is in our lives, and not for the new iPhone that we want. We worship God for who He is, and not for the straight A’s that we want in our exams. But surprisingly, many of us do the opposite. We love, serve and worship God expecting that His hands will move to give us what we want. If that’s the case, then I think we have completely missed the mark.

So what can we do to check our motives to see if we’re worshipping God for who He is?

1. Coming to God with an open heart. Being vulnerable before His presence and being honest with our thoughts and feelings releases something from deep within. We are allowing God to enter and work in our lives.

2. Look for opportunities to be thankful. Many of us are blessed beyond what we really need. We have at least 2 whole meals everyday and we have a bed to sleep comfortably at night. For some of us, all we need to do is to just look up before we go to bed at night to see the roof above us. Praise and worship God for that roof.

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