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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Just Worship

“Christ is enough for me, Christ is enough for me, everything I need is in You.” You sing along those lyrics with the worship leader as he leads you into a time of worship. You try to shake of any distracting thoughts about school or lunch by closing your eyes, and lifting your hands, but you can’t seem to get in the “zone of worship”.

Worship is a key element in connecting with God. Majority of churches around starts their service with a corporate worship before the word of God is being preached. Worship, of course, is a good thing. Worship is from God, and it is for Him, only.

However, there are times where we just can’t seem to get into the mood of worshipping God during corporate worship. It may be due to the fact that you woke up at the wrong side of the bed, or you just had a rough week.

Here are 3 reminders to encourage you.

1. Worship is not about feelings.

Worship is not about how you feel. We love, because He first loved us, and in that response, we worship Him. The moment we enter into worship by bringing our own wish lists before God, is the moment we begin to miss the point. The reason we worship is to give our King honor and glory because He deserves it. The blessings of God will flow down to those who worship Him with all their hearts.

2. Don’t be afraid to express it.

King David was not afraid to dance and sing before the Lord even when people despise him (2 Samuel 6v16-20). Dancing, singing, jumping and the lifting of hands are all expressions of worship. We worship God through those acts. In Matthew 12v34, it says that out of the abundance of our heart, the mouth speaks. Therefore, worship is a form of outward expression.

3. Fight the distractions.

Distractions will always be there. Distractions may come in a form of a thought, the smell of the person next to you, or you may just feel fidgety. Sometimes all it takes is for us to fight our way through those distractions and worship God anyway. There is power in persistence and perseverance and God sees our heart. A heart that runs and longs after Him despite our feelings is a heart that God desires to be with the most.

- Josh

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