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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Maybe You Are Viewing God Wrongly?

“So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My Word, then you are truly my disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8v31-33

Our view of God is so important. As believers, it is of utter importance that we grasp and understand the nature of our Father in Heaven. If we do not, then we are inviting the world’s view to confuse and distort the perfect picture of our perfect creator.

1 John 4v8 paints us the perfect picture of our Father in Heaven and by which His nature is present: God is love.

All of us have been created for love, because our Savior is love, but there are many false perspectives that we clothe God in. Here are 3 checkpoints to see if your view of God is on the right track.

1. You feel condemned by God.

Feelings of condemnation are often the evidence that you believe God’s opinion of you is determined by how much you have pursued Him or, obeyed Him or loved Him (Clark, 2014). God never communicates to his people through shame, guilt, or condemnation. He does not condemn us, but He convicts us to do what is pleasing to Him. Similarly, your devotional life is always meant to be a response of your love towards God, not a response of fear and duties.

2. You are scared you miss God’s will.

God has a plan for each and every one of us. His will is sovereign, and it is immeasurable. You are scared of being out of God’s will instead of trusting that He will guide you into your destiny. Being overly concern and worried about figuring out what God wants you to do after you graduate from college portrays a lack of trust and faith that God does not want us to have. He is the one in authority to guide and show us the right path for us to walk in. What God desire from us, is for us to trust that He will guide us through that journey of discovery.

3. So you could impress him with YOUR acts and deeds.

God did not send His son down to die for you, so you could impress Him with our acts and deeds. He overcame in every way so that you could be transformed from the inside out. Feelings of spiritual inadequacy are often the evidence that you may have a misunderstanding of His perfect love (Clark, 2014). Matthew 3v17 shows the Father’s love and admiration for His son, Jesus: “This is my Son, whom I love, and with Him I am well pleased.”

If we believe in Christ Jesus, that means we are clothe under the name of Jesus. Therefore, when the Father sees us, He sees His son. That is why the Bible says that we are made perfect through Christ Jesus, because He is perfect.

God’s perfectness empowers us to perform greater things in His name, because He lives in us.


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