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Thursday, May 08, 2014

Trusting God In Defending Moments

The picture before me is gloomy and the promise of change for a better tomorrow seems bleak. Ours seem to be a losing battle. In every sphere of life – politics, judiciary, education, economy, social concerns or even religion, storms seem to be brewing. The scenario has resulted in people who are easily agitated, angry and frustrated. A storm is brewing within the depths of each heart and also brewing without. As a result, there is a constant war of words, mud-slinging and the venting of anger in various forms that defy our imagination and status as a developing nation. In our society, there seems to be no more respect for self or others. Neither is there responsibility for our actions.

I ask myself, “Is there any hope left? Can those of us who believe in truth, justice and righteousness ever see its reality in our time?” That brings me to our recent devotional thoughts. I pondered over what was penned in our Sunday Bulletins, entitled ‘Let God Judge’ and ‘Jehovah Raah’. Genesis 18:25 challenged me: …shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? And once again I ask myself, “Can we slay our ‘Goliaths’ like David did?”

I struggle between what people around me say – that being the minority, we don’t have any chance and all is lost versus what my heart tells me. I repeatedly asked myself, “Didn’t David (insignificant and unknown) prove the majority to be wrong? Didn’t God, the Judge of all the earth prove Himself true to His character and words?” And my answer can only be, “Yes and Amen!”

I believe we can trust our God because He is still ALMIGHTY. I believe that though we may be the minority, we still possess the potential to influence others, even move public opinion and allow God to bring a fresh order out of longstanding chaos in our world.

Brothers and sisters in the family of God, we are living in defining moments as a church and as a nation. These defining moments can either make us stronger and bolder, tentative or fearful, wiser or reluctant. It all depends on how we react to them. Defining moments never leave us as we were.

Can we lay hold of ALL that God is, was or has been without wavering? Let us decide to trust God because He always does all things right.

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