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Thursday, June 05, 2014

The Response to Worry.

“What should I do after college?”, “Which course should I go into?”, “Will I ever get married?”

In Matthew 6v25, Jesus tells us not to worry about our lives. He tells us not to worry about what we will eat, or what we will wear.
Now, why did Jesus instruct us not to worry about anything? Take a look at our culture today. We all can’t help but think about what lies in the future, economically, technologically, and socially. I think it is amazing how God knows his creation so well that he’s prepared the solution for us long before we were even created.
As human beings, we have a lot of fears. We are afraid to make the wrong decision. We fear the unknown. We fear when we do not have control. We might use different words for it, but it all boils down to this one thing: fear.
We mass produce fear and anxiety 24/7. Our minds are little factories manned by little elves that never sleep.
So how do we overcome worry and fear? Allow me to share with you 3 points with you.
1.     Know who God is.
God is God and beside Him, there is no other. God is all powerful, all knowing, and all sufficient. The Bible describes Him as the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. He knows us better than we will ever know about ourselves. So, if you believe that God is who He says He is, then our response to the future would be a response of faith, and not fear. If we really trust that God will take care of us, and provide all our needs, then our reasons to worry will fade to the background.

2.     Know who you are (in Christ).
In the 1 John 3v2, God refers to us as His children. And as children of God, we will inherit His kingdom and all good things that He has in store for us. We belong to Him. When we have confidence and security that our identity (Sons and daughters of the living God) lies in the Father, then worrying will eventually loose it’s hold on you. Worry breeds insecurity. And as children of God, our security lies in Him and Him alone. Our calling as sons and daughters of God is that we are destined to do great and mighty things in His name.

3.     Surrender.
We fear because we want to know. We fear because we want to be in control. But the truth is, God knows, and He is in control. We can overcome our fears by knowing and trusting that He is good and He will take care of us. The Bible teaches us to lay our burdens on Him, to cast our cares and fears upon Him, for He is a loving Father that cares for us. When you were little and had a nightmare, what did you do? You called out for your mom or dad. It’s effective. Call upon the name of God.

- Josh

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