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Monday, December 08, 2014

Sunday Sermon Recap

Sunday Sermon Recap
Family Sunday
Dr. Benny Prasad
Living in Faith
Mark 10:46-52
46 Jesus and his disciples went to Jericho. And as they were leaving, they were followed by a large crowd. A blind beggar by the name of Bartimaeus son of Timaeus was sitting beside the road. 47 When he heard that it was Jesus from Nazareth, he shouted, “Jesus, Son of David,[a] have pity on me!” 48 Many people told the man to stop, but he shouted even louder, “Son of David, have pity on me!”
49 Jesus stopped and said, “Call him over!”
They called out to the blind man and said, “Don’t be afraid! Come on! He is calling for you.” 50 The man threw off his coat as he jumped up and ran to Jesus.
51 Jesus asked, “What do you want me to do for you?”
The blind man answered, “Master,[b] I want to see!”
52 Jesus told him, “You may go. Your eyes are healed because of your faith.”
Right away the man could see, and he went down the road with Jesus.


Blind Bartimaeus
-Jumped up
-Threw off his cloak
-Becase of his faith, he was healed

However, there is more to it then just that!
Beggars in those times required permission from the government in order to beg.

and if you were a beggar you were to be given a coat.
That coat was how people could identify that this person was a real beggar.

By throwing off his coat, he took a risk.
Giving up his source of identity, and income.

But he had faith that Jesus could heal him and had better plans for him!

God is such a faithful God.

What is God's plan for us?

Isaiah 55:9
"As high as the heavens are above the earth,
    so high are my ways and thoughts above yours."

Don't limit God with your own short comings, he will make the best happen!
What is impossible for man is possible for God.

God has given us His word.
We believe it and know scripture but do we apply it?
What happens in the bible can happen in everyday life!

Have faith in His plan for you!
Expenses should be based on our needs.
Money is not the final decision maker!
Not to God! It doesn't matter to Him.

When you hear God's voice push towards it.
If it is God's will, He will open the doors for you.
Don't allow your starting to shape the way you end!

We need to have faith!
We have started to believe the lie that stress is a fixed factor in life. Break this!
We as people can become examples of faith.
Miracles happen, not in the Presence of danger but in the presence of God!

Don't hide your faith!

Luke 11:33
“No one lights a lamp and then hides it or puts it under a bowl; instead, it is put on the lampstand, so that people may see the light as they come in."

The worst thing that people can do to you is kill you.
Don't keep it a secret!
Our God is too great to not be shared!
Faith is not about making sense, it is about trusting God.

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