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Monday, January 12, 2015

Sunday Sermon Recap

Sunday Sermon Recap
Pr Anand Kumar
A little psalm with a BIG message!
Psalms 117

Psalm 117
Praise the Lord, all you nations extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.Praise the Lord.

This is a song of to celebrate the Passover.
Our god is so great! He is supernatural and all powerful!

So they came out of Egypt worshipping and well!
But however their journey didn't go well.

They had a mission and agenda as they came out of Egypt, singing and praising.

In verse 1, we are told what to do
And in verse 2 we are told why.

WHAT: The Lord is to be magnified among the nations
-God desires that all the Nations praise Him.
-Praise: "Haw Lal"- to brag
-The nations around them could hear the praise they were giving
-how do you testify/ witness if you have no testimony/ have not witnessed.
-Praise is a choice
-Praising God is for His glory, not His.
-The word Nations refers to: people groups, different ethnic and linguistic groups
-God desires that all the nations extol Him
-Extol means to boast, laud or praise. To brag about Him.
-Bot to brag about what we have or have done, but that he provides and that he saves.
-if God is with us, who can be against us.

WHY: His Love is Great for us!
-God's love is so EXTREMELY great that He sent His Son to die on the cross
-God faithfully endures FOREVER

-God MAGNIFY Himself in the life of His People
-God's desire is to love His people-To magnify God is to testify His Love and His Faithfulness to ALL PEOPLE
-Reaching out to the lost is through EVANGELISM & MISSIONS

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