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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Hang In There!

Hang In There

At some point or another, the Christian life will be a struggle. We are never going to have that moment (at least not while we live) where we can say that we have conquered all our sins. However, we know Jesus will eventually set us free from sin and death forever. So while we struggle, here's four things to remember.

1. Don't despair when you sin
The penalty of sin is death, but Jesus’ sacrifice means that death is no longer something we need to fear. So, while we can say we are dead to sin, on the other hand, we still need to continually struggle with sin. Sin is a bit like a chicken with its head cut off, after the chicken loses its head it still runs around for a while before dying. This is the situation for us today; sin’s penalty and power are dead to us, but it still running around with its head cut off! So don't despair when you sin, turn back to Jesus and continue to trust in him! And one day soon, the struggle will be over.
2. Struggling can be a good sign
John Calvin, a great Reformer from the 16th Century, says that, ‘He who, struggling with his own weakness, presses toward faith in his moments of anxiety is already in large part victorious’. What he means is that when wrestling with our own weaknesses the tendency is to give up, to stop fighting and let temptation overcome us. But, the sheer fact that you are struggling shows that you have not given up! And that's great! The struggle shows that the Spirit is at work in your life, so keep praying that God will help you to find strength in him.
3. Perseverance is a key part of being a Christian
In the Christian life, perserverance is paramount. Hebrews 12:1 says "let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." It's a reminder that while starting out the Christian life is crucial, it is equally important to finish well. This is why it is important to never give up, keep trusting God, keep struggling with your weaknesses and remember to look to the great assuring promises of God and to his Son who too struggled with sin but was without sin.
4. You are not on your own
God has not left us to struggle by ourselves. Not only do we have the Spirit of God and his Word to help us and guide us, but he has also given us each other. That is why the writer to the Hebrews says in chapter 10 - “Do not give up meeting with one another as some are in the habit of doing but encourage one another”. So make sure you are reading, praying and meeting with other christians, and being honest with them about your struggles.

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