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Monday, June 23, 2014

Sunday Sermon Recap

FGA Main Service Sermon Recap
Pr. Matthew Ling- Cheering Our Fathers On!

"We honour our father more fully when we appreciate him as God's vessel that carries the gift of Fatherhood and for that we should cheer fathers on!"

1. We honour our father more fully when we realise that God has put him in your life to play an important role
2. We need to cheer our fathers on

Called by God
1. Job 1:1-5
2. A father and his:
   1.Called Position
        -Fathers are called, 1 Cor 7: 17, 20, 24 - "Lord assigned him", "God called him"
        -To build faith in his family
        -To raise their children for heaven
   2.Assigned Home
       -We did not choose to be born and to be who, where and when we are
       -Children are assigned to their fathers, and fathers to their homes, by God.
       -Fathers are not trained but they have to learn so much and impart even more.
   3.Given Heart
        -The heart of love for his children
        -Fathers love their children
        -We do not realise it sometimes because we remember mostly their faults
        -God deposits this love- Every fathers love for their children, reflect God's love for us all.
We need to be equipped
-Eph 4:11-16, Rom 12:4-8
-Fathers need to equip their children

A Father's Heart
- Love for their children is so strong!
- It is harder not to love.

Always appreciate and love your Father! Celebrate him and thank God for him!

"A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society."     - Billy Graham, Christian Evangelist

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