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Monday, June 30, 2014

Sunday Service Recap


  • God loves you the way you are, but He won’t leave you the way you are.

Annoying, difficult people.
  • Who has annoying difficult people in their lives? They’ve wronged you, betrayed you, accused you, thrown you under a bus and irritated you! Andto think that we’ll be stuck to some of these people because they are family?!

Guess what? Jesus had the too!
  • Who were they? His disciples.
  • They were a difficult bunch. Peter denied him, Thomas doubted him, they fell asleep when he told them to keep watch and pray, and Judas betrayed him!

So how did Jesus respond to these people?

  • Constant here means steadfast or unchanging.
  • It means that he is someone that we can trust all the time, because he will never change.
  • What we are about to learn is something that we as his disciples should follow, because it will never change.

  • In this context His heart can translate to love.
  • We explore how Jesus loves, even when it is difficult to love.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7
  • key verse for the lesson

#1. A LOVE that is enduring
  • not just to “than”
  • endure hardships trials, and stands the test of time.
  • love that will not change despite what we do or do not do.
  • It is by his grace that he loves us.

#2. A LOVE that is forgiving
  • Jesus knew everything about his disciples
  • but he forgave them, because he loved them.
  • to forgive is to: release, love, be like Jesus.
  • Matthew 18: 21-35

#3. A LOVE that is hopeful
  • Luke 15:11-20- prodigal son.
  • A love that never gives up, never loses faith, and hopes for the best.
  • this loves brings the best out of you and empowers you.

CONCLUSION: The Challenge
  • To love people knowing that they will hurt you.
  • Are you willing to love with an enduring, forgiving and hopeful love?

1.      Name people you find difficult to love.
2.    What can you do to love then as Jesus does?
3.    Who do you think you are difficult to? How are you going to correct that?

  - notes by Ian Lai

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