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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Father’s Love

On the third session of Discipleship Camp 2, during pre-service prayer, I was praying and directing my attention to God.

As I was praying, I saw a picture of my heart. It was a cone shaped heart with the sharp point facing downwards. It filled with sand and soil but at the bottom of all that sand and soil, there were purple jewels. Then I saw the hearts of everyone in the room and all the hearts looked like mine. I asked God what the picture meant. I felt God say that the purple jewels represent the way he sees us; that we are so valuable and full of worth. The sand and soil represents the way we see ourselves which is how the world has influenced us to view ourselves; worthless and unwanted.

Then I saw my heart and there was miniature excavator digging through the sand and the soil to reach for the jewels. The excavator picked up the jewels and brought it to the surface above the sand and soil. I felt God say that he wanted to bring to surface our real worth and value so that we may see ourselves the way he sees us instead of seeing ourselves the way the world wants us to views ourselves.

Relating this to the first part of the Father Heart series, we learned that the Father’s love towards us, his children, is like water in a dam. The only thing stopping the water from flowing out of the dam is the wall of the dam. As children, we have needs like security, longing for expressed love, wanting to receive praise and affirmation and knowing our purpose and destiny. In the Father’s love, we can find all these.

But many times, we end up turning to the world to fulfil these needs. To have security, we seek to accumulate possessions. To fill our need for expressed love, we turn to our passions. To fulfil our longing for praise and affirmation, we seek position. To find our purpose and our destiny, we crave power. In doing all these, we actually build up a wall between the Father’s love and our hearts. This wall is our pride. It says I can do everything on my own. It says I have no need for God. But in the end, we find ourselves left with nothing but pain and suffering. With hearts tainted by our pain and sufferings, we see our value and worth as that of sand and soil.

However, when we allow our wall of pride to be broken down, the Father’s love rushes into our hearts and into our lives and all our needs as children will be fulfilled to the point where there is an overflow and we lack nothing! Only with hearts overflowing with God’s love are we able to see our value and worth as God sees it; that is the purple jewels.

Whether or not you attended the camp, this is what God wants for all us.

- Jasmine Wuan

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