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Sunday, January 04, 2015

At The Doorstep of 2015

“And who knows but you have come into the kingdom for such a time as this” –Esther 4:14b

2015. Rewind to the last time we were together as a Youth Church.

Camp. #NGL

Beyond the miracles and healing we witnessed, I believe the most powerful thing that happened at camp was personal decisions to become a disciple of Jesus Christ.

God takes decisions like this seriously. With our commitment, He releases a promise and he is faithful to fulfill it. We see this in the lives of  great people of the Bible. Abraham, Jesus, Peter, to name a few.

Abraham believed God, followed by a promise to be a Father of nations. Jesus surrendered with “not my will but Yours be done”, and God made him victorious over death, as promised. Peter pledged to follow Christ, and upon that rock God built His church. 

Notice the same pattern at camp. On the first night, there was a commitment. The following night there was a promise. The promise was that 2015 will be a year that propels us both individually and as a youth group into our destiny in the Kingdom.

As we hold on to that promise, the word that seems to ring loud comes from the book of Esther. That 2015 is a year where we have come into the kingdom for such a time as this.

I encourage us to read the book of Esther and see how God’s promise unfolds. Summarized here, we draw four points. As we step into 2015:

1.    Be alert and expect movements
The book of Esther opens with the disposal of Queen Vashti, leaving the throne open for a new candidate.

When God wants to establish His reign, He moves everything in His path, so that there is an opening for His will be done. It disrupts existing comfort zones, systems, structures, positions, relationships. It could be in your family, job, school, or church. Yet in the face of change or apparent instability this new year, do not be alarmed. Do not be afraid, do not panic. Instead, seek God’s hand who is on the move. He is in control.

2.    Be conscious of your position
In the second chapter, Esther is crowned the new queen of Persia replacing the old queen.

When God is on the move, He makes arrangements so that His people are in position to carry out his mission. Esther’s unique position granted her access, authority and power to inflict change. She had a unique influence over the king which no other man (or woman) had. What are the relationships that God has strategically placed you in?

3.    Be on your guard. The enemy regroups against you
After the events above, Haman the Agagite rose to power and plotted to kill God’s people. Haman’s hatred for the Jews was not coincidental. It was generational, dating back to the ruthless attacks against the Israelites at the first exodus out of Egypt (1 Sam 15). Some scholars track the Amalekites, Haman’s ancestors, back the roots of Ishmael who was jealous of Isaac, God’s chosen one. Since then the hatred towards the Jews was great with a zeal to wipe them from the face of the earth.

From the beginning of time, the enemy harbors hate against you as God’s chosen people. Today, he may not seek to kill you in the flesh. He knows that you carry something more powerful—your testimony, and he wants to destroy it. He wants to rob away your inner joy and peace. That’s all it takes to then kill your destiny in God’s kingdom.

While you enjoy a unique position placed by God, be on your guard. There is an enemy that seeks to kill, steal and destroy.

4.     Be obedient to the cause. In prayer and in action.
Upon learning of the fate of the Jews, Esther came to the realization that her time has come. Her response was powerful which was game-changing.

Firstly, Esther understood that victory can only come through a covering of prayer:

“Go, gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me; neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise.“

Secondly, she knew that in order to claim victory, something must be done. And her action bears a cost:

“And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!”

Esther’s obedience in prayer and action was the turning point to victory (chapters 5-10):

She found favor with the king, Haman’s plans were overturned and was put to death publicly. God’s people were saved and they triumphed over their enemies. Finally, there was peace in the land under the just rule of God through Mordecai and Esther.

As we step into 2015, we enter with the promises of God at heart and the will to obey His call. Just as Esther responded, let us be obedient to the cause both in prayer and in action. Here’s a good start:

1.    Come for prayer meetings
2.    Attend pre-service prayer
3.    Maintain regular, prayerful devotions
4.    Be active in missions and community work
5.    Be attached to a CG
6.    Be a blessing wherever you are, everyday

As we act in obedience, may we together see the promises of God for 2015 unfold. May we see the unmerited favor of God and the plans of our enemies be overturned. For our God is sovereign and turns all evil into good, giving triumph to His people so that His kingdom be established.

Friends, there has been no greater time for us to arise in prayer and action as a disciple of Christ. For who knows that we have come into the kingdom for such a time as this.

Happy 2015. God bless.

Also watch:
"Message To The Malaysian Church 2014" on YouTube :

Joanna Dorai

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