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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Out of the Box

Romans 12:2Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Do you ever feel boxed in? Totally bored with life? Just doing the same …. Whatever???
You’ve downloaded the latest app, seen the latest movie, and been to the mall, bought the latest gadget or outfit, yet …. Stuff has just lost its appeal and you feel like you’re just reliving the same daily lame and mundane routine. There's a deep down feeling that says "There's gotta be more to life than this?".
Guess what? You aren’t alone and yes, there is more ... a lot more.  A lot of people are bored with life and that’s because some important parts of who they are have been lulled into snooze mode.  
You and I have been conditioned to think like the world and just go with the flow.  We have a natural tendency to want to fit in and many people today are trying everything imaginable to do just that.
Our culture – mainly the media which includes TV, music, movies, the internet, video games, magazines, billboards etc. pump a never ending stream of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, messages, opinions, views of life – the list goes on.  Whether we realize it or not, our culture is boxing us in.  We are being spoon-fed a life of mediocrity.  Commercials? Come on – most of them are pretty lame, intelligence insulting selling simple experiences that don’t take much thought, depth or insight.   If we allow ourselves to be boxed in by all this world and our culture dangles in front of us we settle for less than the best.  To put it bluntly – this world’s pattern is messed up.
God’s heart is for each of us to move from the temporary, quick fix satisfaction routine (which really doesn’t satisfy at all) into an amazing relationship with him that brings the only true satisfaction and fulfillment experience.  The world robs us of the real riches that can only be found in God.  God’s plan is for you and I to focus outside and beyond this assembly line pop culture all around us. 
God’s plans and purposes for you are so amazing.  When you develop a heart focus to discover and live in God’s plan, the appeal of what the world says it can offer you soon starts to fade.  It just doesn’t measure up.  It doesn’t even come close.
Instead of being moulded and shaped by the assembly line of world culture, can I encourage you today to get off this world’s marketing grid and discover what God has for you?  Experience all the richness that God intended for you to experience.

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