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Monday, February 02, 2015

Sunday Sermon Recap

Sunday Sermon Recap
Supernatural Series
Joanna Dorai
Jesus Turns Water Into Wine
John 2

Supernatural means beyond scientific understanding. 

1. The supernatural brings change to the natural.
When Jesus does the supernatural, it is out of the ordinary and it brings change to the natural.

2. The supernatural happened in a normal situation.
Jesus did His first miracle at a wedding. The supernatural happened at a natural situation. It was normal to have weddings everyday at the time.

3. It's an experience of the manifestation of Gods glory. 
It is an act where by God shows His power through the miracles He performs.

4. God does the supernatural so we believe. 
God performed supernatural miracles to prove and show that he is He is Lord! In this case of the turning of water into wine, He proved He was the Lord over time.

5. The supernatural is the manifestation of the glory of God. And it brings change.

6. It reveals who God is.

To experience the supernatural:
Jesus was invited.
Jesus was involved. 
Jesus has to be obeyed. 

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