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Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Producing a Godly Life

"Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop-thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown." (Mark 4:20)
It pays to plant seeds in good soil. The farmer in this parable was scattering seed that fell on pavement, rocky soil, among thorns and good soil. Fruitfulness is not only in the seed, but in the soil.

The soil of my heart is so important to cultivate. God is involved in man-kinds lives and we can see that some are fruitful, some are struggling to give up their worldly wealth, some are complacent not taking their relationship with Jesus seriously. All conditions reflect the outcome of how fruitful the Word of God will be in a person's life.
It's easy for me to hear the Word of God - listen to accept it for my mind, heart and life. There's another decision I need to make. That is to produce the crop. It takes my effort to meditate on the Word, use the Word, memorize the Word and be sure that my hearts soil is not filled with weeds of ungodly characteristics.

I deal with jealousy, pride, anger, greed, coveting, lust and these are weeds that can take root if I'm not careful and diligent about cultivating my heart.

To produce a Godly life today, I must:

  • Make the Word of God my Lover in thought, motive, desire and heart.
  • Make the choice in my thought life to "think" Biblically. HELP LORD!!
  • Be productive, not lazy, in thought, service - be disciplined to give of myself with honor.
OK Lord...I need Your help to produce a Godly - Christ centered - Biblically focused life. I love You Holy Spirit. You are my Guide, Helper and Teacher. Lead me to live a godly Beckie, the kids, and whomever you bring my way.

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