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Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Pray and Wait


About two years ago, I went on a missions trip to Cambodia together with a team from my high school. Ultimately, it was a really great experience for me to go out and reach out to the children at the FGA Cambodian Child Care Centre. But what I'd like to share with you is what led up to the trip–a real blessing from God.

When I first heard of the missions trip I was very eager to go, but after hearing the amount of money that I needed to spend for the trip I was pretty disappointed because I didn’t really have that kind of money to spend on it.

One night, I was at prayer meeting and I asked God to make a way for me to go and to show me a sign that it was His will for me to go, but I didn’t get any answer nor did I get any sign. So I left it as it was.

A few days later, I decided to start saving money so that I could go for this missions trip. I managed to get enough money of my own for the trip. After getting the funds for the trip, the teacher who was in charge called me and asked if I was still eager to go for the trip and I told him that I was. And to my utter surprise, he replied me saying that there is a parent who is very willing to sponsor me to go on the trip because God had impressed upon that parent's heart to pay for me. I was extremely grateful and I went on to go for the missions trip.

What I learned from this is that constant praying works and when God doesn’t answer you immediately, it doesn’t mean He doesn’t hear your prayers. Who knows? He probably has much more in stored for you! You just need to wait for His perfect timing.

I hope this encourages you one way or another. :)

- Gabe

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