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Sunday, April 06, 2014

Sunday Sermon Recap

"An Intimate Relationship With Christ" - Pastor Dorai

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." - 
John 15:5

As Christians, we are part of the vine, we are already connected with Christ, and we do not need to do anything more to be connected because we already are. When we are connected we exist as one because we are in the vine. Jesus says in John 15:26 that we are intimately connected through the Holy Spirit.

We can have an intimate relationship with Jesus through:

The Word
We read the word not because we want to connect but because we are already connected.

Praying the Promises of God
Pray the promises of God into our lives.

As we obey, we continue to remain intimate with Him. Obedience is key.

Because He loves us, we also love Him and because we are connected to the vine, we have the same nature of love.

We are no longer servants but we are friends.

When we remain in Jesus, the results of our intimate relationship with Christ is our fruits. And when we continue to remain in Him we will bear lasting fruits. The fruits that we bear are fruits of Christlikeness, because the branch–that is us–carries the nature of the vine which is Jesus.

In our journey of building an intimate relationship with God, we need to avoid grieving the Holy Spirit, sin, neglect, departure and disobedience. For it is God’s glory that we may bear much fruit, showing ourselves to be Jesus’ disciples.

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