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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Who is in Control?

"I can do it myself!" "Stop controlling me!"
Have you ever said that to your parents? All of us want to take control, make our own plans, and live our own lives without anyone to tell us what to do and how to do it. After all isn't it only fair? It is my life, my rules. 
I have my rights. have my own plans. I will live my life however want.
We push aside the opinions and advice of others because it isn't aligned to what we have in mind.Even people who are more experienced, like our parents, our teachers, our mentors and our older siblings, seem to always be "controlling" us, and we may not like it.
Sure, we all want independence, but have we forgotten who is truly in charge?
Jesus! He is the one and only Lord!
He is the true Captain of my soul!
He is in charge!
Sometimes we may "wrestle" God for control over our own lives because we believe that what we think our plan may be is better than what He has in store for us!
Think about it. God, who created the entire universe, the heavens and the earth, the Sun, the moon and the stars, and all life on earth (Including you!), has a plan for you!
With such a perfect and mighty God we have, I'll bet his plan is far better than anything we could ever imagine!
So give Him control, for only He is completely in control!

Submission is key!
Submission to Jesus as Lord of your life and surrendering to His plan.
Submission to saying less of me and more of God.
Submission to making Jesus Lord of your life.
In the dictionary, the definition of the word lord is one with absolute power, absolute authority. 
And He is called Lord no less than 747 times in the New Testament. You can't make Him Lord; He has already claimed the title. Your questions are, first, will you recognize His Lordship, and second, will you submit to it? He is Lord of all you have and all you do.
Will you step down from your throne and recognize Jesus as King?
Will you admit that your plans aren't perfect and surrender to His plans for you?
Will you make Jesus Lord?

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